Once again, the Terrace Hill Partnership will present the Tea & Talk series at 2:00 pm each Saturday in February. Speakers present timely programs to guests in the Terrace Hill Drawing Room followed by tea and tasty treats. Tickets are $10 per program or $35 for a season pass. The speakers are donating their time and all proceeds will benefit the gardens of Terrace Hill. Tickets are available at https://teaandtalkseries.eventbrite.com or calling the Terrace Hill office at 515-281-7205.
February 4
Michelle Book, Food Bank of Iowa
Hunger isn’t a problem “somewhere else;” it happens right here in Iowa. Michelle Book, CEO of Iowa Food Bank, will discuss how the organization helps meet the needs of thousands of Iowans who struggle with food insecurity.
February 11
John David Thompson, Iowa Poems 175
In his book, Iowa Poems 175, John David Thompson celebrates the people, events, places, and customs that make Iowa unique. Thompson will read excerpts and discuss his process of creating the book in honor of his beloved home state.
February 18
Melissa Burdick, Brenton Arboretum
Get a taste of spring and fine weather as Melissa Burdick shares Brenton Arboretum’s mission for Iowans to experience quiet enjoyment at a living museum of trees, shrubs, and native prairie.
February 25
Elvin McDonald, How the Kid from OKRA-homa Became an IOWAN
Elvin McDonald, one of America’s most prolific plant writers, will recount his life and career through pictures and stories. From a southern boy-genius of botany to a well-respected gardening and horticulture expert who transplanted to Iowa, Elvin’s tale will knock your stalks off!